pet dog

pet dog

Typically called a man’s best friend, it turns out that women miss their dogs more than men do while they are on holiday. The Skyscanner research also revealed the woman miss their dogs more than their family, friends and partners!


The survey took over 1,000 dog owners and found that men miss their significant others most while they are way 37%, however women are far more concerned with the absence of their dog (37%), only 21 would miss their partners first.


Missing their dog is the first hurdle, but many call to see if their pet is ok, with 40% also texting to keep in touch with whoever they are staying with. 14% even chat to their pets over the phone so that they don’t forget their voice! 5% have even had a chat with them over Skype and 6% have sent them a postcard!


Many Brits feel so sad to leave their furry friends that they take a picture of them before leaving, 22%. 3% have revealed that they have left their holiday early because they miss their dog so much.


As so many dog owners cannot bear to leave their friend behind, many holidays now cater for dogs and so a lot of Brits are opting to stay here in order to share their holiday memories with their pet. One in five dog owners admit to never leaving their dog’s side to go on a holiday abroad and that their pet would make a much better holiday buddy than their children and friends.


Skyscanner’s Victoria Bailie comments,


 “Many dog owners see their pet as part of the family, so it’s understandable that they miss them when they go away on holiday. The survey does show that there’s paws for thought as to whether a dog really is man’s best friend, particularly if they know that their partners are missing their dogs more than them when away."





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