The Queen's Head Hotel

The Queen's Head Hotel

The Queen’s Head hotel at Troutbeck in the Lake District was built in the 17th Century and housed those with tired horses or hauling wagons to the summit at Kirkstone Pass. It is now a key place to stop and have a drink, a meal or a stay for passers-by. But some of the guests think that the place is not worth leaving they hold it in such high regard.  


In 2008, the Dutton family took over the pub, aware of its colourful past, however they were not anticipating that some of their guests would not be paying or booking for their stay.


Ian Dutton explains,


"The Queen's Head is more than 300 years old, so we knew that an interesting tapestry of history was likely. Personally, I don't believe in the supernatural, but I cannot deny the strange goings-on reported by guests and staff."


Of all the rooms, room one has had reported the most activity from guests, and is conveniently the most traditional room in the Inn. There have been countless reports of strange goings on in this room, one guest told staff the someone kept stripping the bed covers off them in the night. The staff were not alarmed to hear this as they too had seen things they could not explain and heard footsteps. The most common ghost to be seen at the Inn is a woman cleaning the hallways.

Ian comments,


"I believe this sort of thing just adds to the atmosphere and appeal of The Queen's Head. Many of our guests are now booking Room One because of the ‘haunted' experiences. We are also receiving requests from hotel guests and bar patrons for tours of the 'most active' parts of the hotel!"


So, the question is, are you brave enough to stay the night at The Queen's Head Hotel in Troutbeck?


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