Imagining sitting on the beach can make you forget some of the essentials - don't let it be travel insurance

Imagining sitting on the beach can make you forget some of the essentials - don't let it be travel insurance

Travelling abroad this summer? Have you purchased your travel insurance yet?

Research from Sainsbury's Travel Insurance reveals that one in five Brits travelling abroad will not have travel insurance.

As millions of you get ready to go abroad this summer, this statistic is worrying considering that the average medical claim made in a foreign country is £1,333.41.

The data also indicated that Spain is the country where more holidaymakers had to seek medical help than any other, followed by Turkey and Greece.

Should you fall ill or be involved in an accident in a foreign country, having peace of mind that you're covered is invaluable.

Watch the video below to see how important it is to have travel insurance for you and your family.

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