

Ever wondered if you are a good or a bad guest in hotels? Well data gathered by a the UK’S leading holiday home insurance provider has revealed the worst guests and the top ten things that they left for the owners to find after their departure!


Schofields were interested to find out just what us Brits get up to when we are on holiday and what the owners have had to face after they have gone. They compiled the top ten list of the worst offenders, which are as follows: 


1)       A guest in the UK filled a bathroom bin to the brim with human faeces; took the sign “Don’t Put Anything Down the Toilet” too literally.


2)       A guest in France hid raw meat within a fitted kitchen unit (the guest in question had strategically removed plinths and kitchen units and placed raw meat within cracks and gaps in order to try and get their money back).


3)       A guest in the US had installed a satellite dish, fixed to the wall and complete with cabling and decoder, whilst staying in a holiday home.


4)       A guest in France removed all the lava rocks from a gas BBQ and left a note for the holiday home owner stating ‘some stupid idiot has put charcoal in your BBQ and it took us ages to clean it out’.


5)       A guest in France had left faeces covered towels, hidden under the bed and in the closet.


6)       A guest in France had covered their windows with kitchen foil to apparently block out the sunlight, despite curtains and blinds being available.


7)       A guest in Spain changed the electrical plugs on appliances (EU to UK).


8)       A guest in the UK stole every other curtain hook in the entire property from the holiday home they were staying in.


9)       A guest in the UK removed all the batteries from all the remotes, clocks and smoke alarms in the holiday home.


10)   A guest in the UK turned up the heat to maximum and then opened all the windows before leaving.


Phil Schofield from Schofields Holiday Home Insurance, said the following:


“We were interested in discovering some of the weirdest things found and discovered by holiday home owners and, as you can see by the list, there have been some pretty horrific things! The team at Schofields could not believe what some Britons got up to, with the faeces in the bathroom bin definitely the worst in terms of worst experience voted by holiday home owners.”


He continued;


“While I am confident that not every holidaymaker acts like this, you should treat a holiday home as an extension of your own home. If you would not do it in your own home, why would you do it whilst on holiday? Not only will you be banned from coming back, but you ruin the experience for other travellers too. Think before you act would be our advice!”




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