David Tennant

David Tennant

It's a tough call when you have to rank the actors who have played 'Doctor Who' up against each other.

Between all 11 of them, they've all done a great job in ensuring the franchise is one that's lived on in fan's hearts throughout the decades - even while being off-air.

Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy may not have the love seen today from fans of David Tennant, Matt Smith and Tom Baker, but they shouldn't be forgotten when it comes to paying respects to such actors.

Television has evolved, and so with it has the doctor and his ever-excitable and extreme personality - he is an alien after all - and with each regeneration came a new and exciting venture into the world of 'Who'.

My personal favourite has got to be Tennant. The producers of the show wanted him back so badly for their 50th anniversary that they even borrowed his costume from a 'Who' exhibition - he's that good.

Tom Baker's iconic, and Matt Smith's done a good job, but Tennant's got that something about him, and it's sad that he had to leave the role, but exciting that he'll be back on-screen this weekend.

'Doctor Who's 50th anniversary episode 'Day of the Doctor' airs Saturday at 7.50pm on BBC One.

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