Game Of Thrones

Game Of Thrones

Game Of Thrones continues to be my Monday night addiction and after last week’s revelation that the political battle within King’s Landing was heating up, I couldn’t wait to see what the next instalment of the show will have in store for me.

Unsurprisingly from an episode titled ‘The Climb’, this was an episode dominated by the wall and the spectacular ice climbing sequence at the heart of it. Packed with drama and suspense Jon and the rest of the wildlings climbing that giant wall of ice had us right on the edge of our seat. The moment when Ygritte made the wrong hit with her axe had me almost falling of my chair altogether, as did their dramatic battle against the forced of the increasingly untrustworthy Mackenzie Crook.

Jon and Ygritte also keep being one of the sweetest couples of Westeros, although she does have a natty habit of ruining the moment with a declaration of what she might do to Jon if he were to betray her. With this show’s love of breaking up happy pairings, they might need to keep an eye over each other’s shoulders.

Speaking of couples, this was an episode that threatens to tear apart our favourite little partnerships on the show. With Gendry and Ayra now being separated (confounded red priestess) and Brianne and Jaime now looking as if they’re going to be split up, where will we go for all of our witty back and forth banter?

Someone who’s not going to be getting into any nice conversations lately is Theon, whose predicament just keeps going from bad to very, very worse. While I’m not the squeamish sort, these torture scenes and Iwan Rheon’s delight in putting Theon through horrific pain for simply his own enjoyment is getting a bit dark even for me. He might be utterly rubbish, but even Theon doesn’t quite deserve what’s happening to him.

Someone who’s fast approaching Theon levels of rubbishness is Robb’s uncle Edmure, who continues to be utterly pants, going so far as to nearly scupper Robb’s latest treaties by demanding his choice of wife. Admittedly, Robb’s been a bit oafish himself, but his uncle’s showing us the way forward when it comes to pants on head silliness.

Despite all the wall climbing, Gendry snatching and torture, the moment that really stands out from this episode is the terrifying speech from Little Finger. The Spider had said last week that he might just be one of the most dangerous men out there and here he really proved quite how ruthless, callous and thoroughly nasty he can be when he puts his mind to it.

Even his protégé Ros wasn’t above being cast aside at the slightest bit of notice, with her horrible murder showing that Joffrey’s now twisted enough to take a life himself.

Overall, if this is the calm, then the storm following it is going to be something special. What did you think of last night’s episode? Let us know in the comments.

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