Taylor Sues Tv Network For Slander.... Model Niki Taylor has filed a federal slander lawsuit against Us Tv network E! Entertainment claiming producers misled her into thinking a documentary she agreed to would focus on her current successes.Taylor discovered the footage of her that E! cameras were shooting was intended for a far-from-flattering episode of new series Boulevard Of Broken Dreams.The model and her management company were told by E! bosses the show would focus on her business successes, which include her signature fragrance and a clothing line, but, instead, the programme became all about Taylor's past hardships, including her 2001 car crash that left her in a coma, fighting for her life.In her suit - filed on Friday (19Jan07) - Taylor alleges intentional infliction of emotional distress, fraud, breach of contract and invasion of privacy.In a statement, the angry model says, "My life is far from a boulevard of broken dreams."The E! show recently aired for a second time on the cable TV network, despite demands from Taylor's legal team that the damaging show be pulled from the schedule.