Crocodile Hunter's Widow: 'fans Should Love Rays'.... The widow of tragic Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin has urged fans of the Aussie conservationist and TV star to respect stingrays, even though one of the sea creatures ended her husband's life.Irwin was killed when his heart was pierced by a ray's barb during a diving expedition off the coast of Australia last September (06), but Terri Irwin refuses to blame the sea creatures for the attack.She even insists that her late husband would have released the footage of the attack if he had survived.Terri Irwin says, "If Steve had come out the other side, I am sure he would have used it as an educational tool."Everybody understands the rules of rays, now. I think people should love rays. They are cute little pancakes in the ocean and their only defence is that incredible barb."

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