When FemaleFirst got the opportunity to put some questions to funnyman Joel McHale, we couldn't resist asking about The Soup - his hilarious show which has now seen a decade on the telly box - big moments in his career and more.

Check out our exclusive interview with Joel below, and find him on Friday nights, on E!

Joel McHale

When you first began The Soup, did you ever think it would take off in the way it has done now?

I didn’t think I would be doing this for 10 years. I never thought the show would keep going.

There is hardly anything I’ve committed to other than my wife and children that has lasted this long.

For those in the UK who haven't yet heard about The Soup, how best would you describe the show?

Well, we make fun of everything. I stand in front of a green screen much like a weatherman.

I make fun of reality shows and celebrity stories. It’s kind of like a late night monologue you see in America on Jimmy Kimmel, Jonny Carson and people like that.

If you don’t know who these people are I can’t help you...

What's your favourite thing about being involved with the series?

The money!

No I love doing it as I get to hang out with my friends and make jokes.

I can’t believe my good fortune that I have a job where I can make make jokes about television and ridiculous stories.

It’s both weird and wonderful!

What is it about The Soup that you think makes it so successful?

You have a very very liberal definition of successful and thank you for thinking that.

It is as successful as you think!

If you could step into the shoes of any popular celebrity today for just a day, who would you choose and why?

Scarlett Johansson as a) I always wanted smaller feet and
b) If I had her body for the entire day I would rob all the banks in Los Angeles.

Joel McHale

A lot of fun is poked at reality television on the show - what is it about that genre that makes it such an easy 'target'?

It’s reality television - watch Big Brother for 2 minutes and it will all make sense.

It’s like when you are at home yelling back at the television, and you can’t believe you’re watching something.

Well, it’s like that but instead me in front of the camera wearing a tie instead of just sitting in my underwear.

You've appeared on Community and Ted to name just a couple of big projects, how have those experiences been?

They have been very different experiences – one a TV series and the other a movie.

Being in Community was a dream come true - one of the most creative endeavours I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of.

And Ted one of the funniest comedy movies I’ve ever been in. I’m just sad that my character died in Ted and won’t be back for Part 2.

What would you note as some of your best and biggest career highlights?

Appearing on Sesame Street was one of the coolest thing I’ve done. It was a thrill and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Doing the White House Correspondents dinner was a thrill, which I can’t even describe.

I hosted a dinner for the President of the United States of America and did comedy at the dinner after the President did comedy.

He told jokes for about 10 minutes and then I told jokes for 20 minutes.

Believe me, following the President is an intimidating endeavour.

It was very strange and wonderful and one of the coolest things I’ve ever done.

Why do you think we all find the world of pop culture so fascinating?

I think pop culture is just an extension of people gossiping in their home towns.

Pop culture is really general – a cool restaurant could be considered pop culture as that‘s where everyone’s going.

Finally, what should we expect from you in the months going forward?

I’m getting ready to do Community again – very excited to come back.

Promoting a vodka and an energy drink – two different types of liquids.

I’m getting a new car so very excited about that.

Spending time with my lovely wife Sarah, and two sons, and my mistress Ryan Seacrest!

Joel McHale

The Soup airs Fridays at 10.30pm on E!

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