The Doctor

The Doctor

Whovians across the Atlantic stand by, as the show’s producers have announced that the latest series of Doctor Who will debut in the U.S the same day as its U.K debut on September 1st.

A full week earlier than anticpated, American viewers will get to see Asylum of The Daleks only 6 hours after viewers in Britain.

The latest series will see the end of the formidable Doctor-Pond partnership, as both Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill have been confirmed as leaving the show for quite some time. The duo will be on the show for the first five episodes of the show before new companion Jenna-Louise Coleman joins the time-traveller for more adventures in both the Christmas special and a clutch of eight episodes next year.

We’ve got the latest trailer confirming the news for you below, as well as it giving us sneak peeks at the Doctor dealing with space pirates, having a heart to heart with Amy and facing those terrifying Weeping Angels once again.