Alexandra Cane refuses to speak to Alex George and admits she has been "hurt" by his actions in the villa in tonight's 'Love Island'.

Alexandra Cane

Alexandra Cane

The 27-year-old make-up artist blasted the 27-year-old doctor as "pathetic" on last night's (26.07.18) episode after he dumped her, and their fallout is set to continue tonight (27.07.18) as she spurns his request for a chat, and warns him about how he speaks to other girls in the future.

Speaking to Alex, Alexandra says: "As a female, you can't help but think that things are progressing in a certain direction, and maybe we are more emotional characters. I just need you to know that because obviously it hasn't worked out with us, but maybe in the future just be cautious of that.

"The things that you said to me yesterday on our date, that you'd like to continue dating me on the outside, and just things that you were saying, maybe led me on a little bit if you were feeling doubtful.

"A girl really holds onto things that guys say, and we believe every word of it."

Alex asks Alexandra for a chat, but she replies: "I don't really feel like talking right now to be honest."

He then says: "When do you want to chat, later?"

She replies: "Just a few hours."

Earlier in the episode, Alexandra tells Josh Denzel and Laura Anderson she will not give Alex anymore chances after he gave her mixed messages.

She says: "Everything's been so vague, like 'I'm just really enjoying our time together, we're just taking things slow, let's not compare ourselves.' Now I just feel like all that's been an excuse because he doesn't like me enough. He doesn't genuinely feel strongly enough about me.

"Even though we're not at that stage of 'we're going to be exclusive when we come out', the guy can't even bring himself to hold my hand.

"It's just displays of affection that you care, and I've not had one single ounce of that. That is a problem. And I've made up so many excuses for the situation because I like the boy. It's hurtful."

However, Alex insists he is "devastated" that his and Alexandra's coupling hasn't worked out, but says he cannot force his feelings.

He explains: "She wouldn't let me speak. Maybe I'm not perfect, I really have tried. I really didn't want to string her along, or be unfair to anyone else in the villa, or play any games, or pretend to be anything I wasn't.

"I've come here to find someone, to find love, I felt like she was the perfect person for me and I'm devastated that it's not worked out. I'm gutted, I'm back to square one."

The series comes to a close on Monday (30.07.18) and fans looking to get in the mood for the finale can relive the action from the villa with a Top Tunes for Loyal Love Islanders playlist from global music streaming service Deezer.

The hits include 'Which One Shall I Choose?' by Mara Lynn Brown from when Alexandra had a decision to make, and another tune on the playlist is Meghan Trainor's 'Just a Friend To You' when Alex was friend-zoned by Ellie Brown.

'Love Island' continues tonight at 9pm on ITV2.