Arabella Chi has had her lip filler dissolved.

Arabella Chi

Arabella Chi

The 'Love Island' star visited Harley Street Injectables in London in search of a more "natural look" and had her old lip filler replaced with more natural chemicals by practitioner Alice Henshaw.

Alice told The Sun newspaper's Bizarre column: “Arabella had come to see me for a consultation after having her lips previously injected at another clinic. She is such a beautiful girl and I felt that her lips didn’t give her other features justice.”

Arabella added: "I’m so happy with my new natural lip filler.”

Fellow 'Love Island' star Molly-Mae Hague had her lip fillers dissolved last year and Kylie Jenner also opted for a more natural look in 2018.

The 'Life of Kylie' star has previously told how she opted for lip fillers when she was just 17 after being teased about her small mouth, and the nurse admitted the treatment is a great procedure to "boost confidence".

She said: "We see people of all different ages come through the Motykie Med Spa for different procedures, but I definitely have younger people, especially women between 21 and 30, come in for the lip fillers.

"If someone has had small lips all their life, was teased in high school, and are looking for a safe cosmetic procedure to boost their confidence, this is it."

Alice has had a number of women come to her in recent months asking to remove their filler.

She explained: “I’ve seen an increase of women coming in to get their lips dissolved and re-injected to a more natural in proportion shape. I have a lot of clients coming in to the clinic for lip filler and I will always turn them away if I don’t think they need their lips done.

“A lot of women come in with overfilled or misplaced filler which we need to dissolve. Dissolving is a simple process.”

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