Big Brother host Emma Willis

Big Brother host Emma Willis

Callum Knell is the sixth person to be evicted from the Big Brother house.

The primary school football coach admitted he felt "broken" and "absolutely gutted" to have lost out in the public vote against fellow nominees Hazel O'Sullivan and Dexter Koh.

He added to host Emma Willis: "I'm not surprised at being evicted, it was either going to be me or Hazel. I'm absolutely gutted, best thing I've ever done and didn't want it to stop.

"When you're on the crest of a wave, you don't want to stop."

During his exit interview, Callum lashed out at Dexter, branding his rival a "snake" and accused him of being "false to the core".

He said: "He's playing a game plan, false and a snake. I tried not to let him get under my skin, he's clever. He's playing such a game and manipulates people's emotions."

And the 28 year old admitted he was stunned to be nominated by Charlie Travers.

He said: "It's a shock to the system. I thought we'd got to such a good stage again. I didn't see that coming. She is a lovely girl"

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