Chris Packham has hit out after two dead crows were strung up outside his home.

Chris Packham

Chris Packham

The 'Springwatch' host, who successfully campaigned for Natural England to revoke general licences needed to kill 16 species of "pest birds", has condemned the "ghastly action" after he spotted two animals hung up on his vandalised gate, but the 57-year-old presenter admitted it shows "progress" is being made.

He told The Sun newspaper: "In a sad and perverse way this ghastly action indicates I'm making progress. I've always said I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to make a difference."

Chris revealed on Twitter that he has notified both the police and his own lawyers, and he called on several organisations to clarify whether or not they "condone" what has happened.

The Natural England decision has drawn the ire of some farmers, with the Countryside Alliance branding the move "completely impractical and irresponsible".

Chief executive Tim Bonner added: "To withdraw the historic ability to manage these species without individual licences at 36 hours' notice is a recipe for disaster."

This comes after Chris blasted Simon Cowell this week for his Antarctica Barclaycard advert, which has been criticised for funding fossil fuel extraction.

Chris said: "I am very surprised Simon didn't solicit better advice about this and how it would understandably enrage and disappoint those hoping that high-profile public figures would get on board with the message about addressing climate change."

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