Emma Willis

Emma Willis

'Big Brother' is to stage a fake double eviction tomorrow night (05.07.13).

Two of this week's four nominated housemates - Dan Neal, Dexter Koh, Gina Rio and Wolfy Millington - will appear to leave the Channel 5 show forever, but a pair, either Dan and Wolfy or Dexter and Gina, will be put into a secret Safe House unbeknown to their fellow housemates.

The duo will live a life of luxury in the new part of their abode, which is off the garden of the main house, where they will listen in on everything their housemates say and be given the power to cause mayhem in the house.

What's more, the lucky pair will make a sensational return to the house next week, and upon their return they will be immune from nominations for the week.

'Big Brother' host Emma Willis revealed the huge twist live on last night's episode (03.07.13), and viewers can now vote for which pair of housemates they wish to send to the Safe House.

The fake double eviction show will take place on Friday night at 9pm on Channel 5.

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