Danny Dyer claims he has a "Godzilla"-sized manhood.

Danny Dyer

Danny Dyer

While boasting about his sizeable piece, the 41-year-old actor admitted if he was around in the medieval times he would've worn a small codpiece - a flap attached to the front of the crotch of men's trousers to accentuate the genital area - because he wouldn't need to "over-compensate" for anything.

Speaking on his new BBC Once show 'Right Royal Family' - on which he experienced the lives of his Tudor relatives - he said: "In modern times, the flashier the car - the Ferrari - it means that you're over-compensating for something.

"So I would have gone for a smaller codpiece just to let everyone in the room know I don't need a big codpiece.

"Because what's underneath is Godzilla."

The 'Mean Machine' actor discovered in 2016 that he is related to Thomas Cromwell, Edward III, William the Conqueror and Henry III while he was filming for 'Who Do You think You Are?'.

His new show explores his regal lineage and displays the soap actor reliving key moments in his ancestor's lives.

In the opening episode, Danny went back 35 generations to learn how to fight like a Viking and also adopted the lifestyle of William the Conqueror after he found out he is descended from Louis XI of France, a king who was later made Saint Louis.

Speaking about the programme, he said: "I'm really proud of it actually because it's just me learning about history with his audience and my relatives. It's different and it's got something about it."

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