Danny Walters has quit 'EastEnders'.

Danny Walters

Danny Walters

The 26-year-old actor will bow out of the BBC One soap as Keanu Taylor - a role he's portrayed for almost three years - at the end of 2019 after his affair with Sharon Mitchell (Letitia Dean) is finally exposed by Mel Owen (Tamzin Outhwaite).

Speaking to The Sun Online, Danny said: "It has been a joy to play Keanu Taylor for the last two and half years.

"I have been blessed to work with the most fantastic creative team and I will miss them and my fellow actors immensely. 'EastEnders' will always hold a special place in my heart and I will continue to be an avid fan."

Bosses are remaining tight-lipped on how Keanu will leave Albert Square but Executive Producer Jon Sen has teased that his exit will be devastating.

He explained: "Keanu's story is set to come to a dramatic and blistering conclusion in the near future as one of best kept secrets on the Square is finally revealed with devastating consequences.

"We'd all like to thank Danny for his nuanced performance as Keanu Taylor over the last two and half years. What Danny has brought to his character has been one of the reasons the 'Sheanu' affair has been such compulsive viewing for fans."

Sharon is currently being blackmailed by Mel after she discovered that the blonde bombshell - who is married to Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden) - is pregnant with Keanu's baby after their steamy affair earlier this year.

But the drama doesn't stop there as Keanu also got Phil's daughter Louise Mitchell (Tilly Keeper) pregnant while trying to hide the fact he loved her stepmother.