Linda Lusardi is still suffering with breathing problems and low blood pressure during her coronavirus battle.

Linda Lusardi

Linda Lusardi

The 61-year-old actress - who tested positive for the respiratory disease last week - has started to feel "a tiny bit stronger" after contracting the virus, but oxygen is "still a problem".

Linda's husband Sam Kane, 51, took to Facebook on Wednesday (25.03.20) to update fans on her condition, writing : "I have the angels with me helping to heal my girl. Along with all of your amazing love and prayers she appears, so very slowly to be at least a little brighter in her self.

"The oxygen is still a problem as is her blood pressure is low but she isn't moving backwards. Thank God. There is still no major change to report just yet but she did say she's feeling a tiny bit stronger. As long as its moving forward. That's all that matters to me."

The update comes days after Sam - who has also tested positive for the virus, but was sent home to recover - claimed Linda was at "death's door" with the "relentless, dark sickness".

Taking to Facebook on Monday (23.03.20), he wrote: "I can't stress enough that this is not 'just a flu bug'. I've watched this take my girl to death's door.

"I've felt it take me there. It's a cruel, vile, remorseless, relentless, dark sickness. It was like three hands. One that's strangling you. One pushing your face down as it does. The other one ripping your heart out of your chest and it just doesn't stop... for days'.

"Please stop going out. Passing this around will mean it just takes longer till we're back to normal. Please stay safe people.

"Two weeks away from anyone else outside your family should see this gone. It's that simple. Please stay in. (sic)"

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