Nick Hewer

Nick Hewer

Nick Hewer doesn't judge Luisa Zissman or her antics in the latest series of Celebrity Big Brother.

The sex-crazed former 'Apprentice' candidate has proven a polarising figure on the Channel 5 reality show, but Lord Sugar's aide insists he isn't "judgemental" about what former contestants - including Luisa and controversial 'This Morning' panellist Katie Hopkins - get up to after leaving the business-themed competition.

He said: "I'm not judgemental; they can do what they want."

Despite past contestants hitting the headlines for their personal lives, Nick, 69, believes the strength of 'The Apprentice' is being informative and educational in regards to business.

He explained: "We're in the business of making a great television series which wins awards - hands down, all the time - and it's a good, worthwhile show with great value for young people. I go to lots of schools talking about business and they love [the show] for the business."

Both Luisa, 26, and Katie, 38, have become tabloid fixtures since 'The Apprentice' but Nick says he and his colleagues - Lord Sugar and Karren Brady - have no reason to believe candidates are fame-hungry when they appear on the show.

But he warns notoriety from 'The Apprentice' can inflate the candidates' egos.

He explained: "What happens, I think, is in the auditions - which is nothing to do with us, the BBC does it - they've got to get people who are confident, strong and have good ideas. We believe they're all there for the right reasons.

"There are 12 weeks of broadcast television, plus there's the after show, so you're talking about something like 18 hours of 'Apprentice'. When that starts to broadcast, people recognise the characters in the street, their mates sell stories in the papers, and an agent will ring up one of the most prominent characters. Suddenly their heads get turned and they think they're Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie."

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