Romesh Ranganathan "got found out" when he tried to coast through his A-Levels.

Romesh Ranganathan has become a huge success

Romesh Ranganathan has become a huge success

The 44-year-old comedian and TV presenter has become a big star in the UK but he admitted his success arrived despite not putting in a lot of effort when it came to his exams as a teenager.

Appearing on ITV's 'Good Morning Britain' on Thursday (18.08.22), as children up and down were opening their exam results, he said: "Basically, I did quite well at GCSE without doing any work and then I used that policy for A-Level and got found out pretty badly.

"I got a C and two Ds, so when I was watching that, I'll be honest with you, I was really happy for the kids but also slightly hated them for doing better than me.

"I'm hoping my mum's not watching! She's just gonna phone me up and go, 'Why couldn't you be like them?!' "

Romesh admitted watching scenes of school kids getting their own results "brought it all back" for him as he reflected on what was a very emotional day.

He added: "I was watching some of the scenes there of people getting their results, and it just brought it all back. It's such a highly charged experience.

"The kids have got so much - they've pinned so many of their hopes on what those results are. I don't miss the nerves of that, to be honest with you."

Romesh - who has kids Alex, Charlie and Theo with his wife Leesa - might be offering some hope for children up and down the country on results day, but he previously admitted he "agonises" over his own parenting.

He said: "Listen, I ask lots of questions about how I parent, I worry about it, and you agonise over it, and that's fine for me to do that, and it's fine for Leesa and myself to do that.

"If somebody else dared suggest, I’d completely understand why you’d lose your s*** about that."

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