Sam Evans

Sam Evans

Sam Evans has won 'Big Brother' 2013.

The 23-year-old Welshman - who was the bookies favourite to win - was visibly stunned when he beat rival Dexter Koh to the title, but later admitted he was delighted with the victory and is going to give £25,000 of his £100,000 prize money to charity.

Speaking to show host Emma Willis, he said: "I'm going to give 25 per cent to charity, I'm going to give 25 per cent to my mother, family and friends and I'm going to keep 50 per cent for my future and just make sure I'm comfortable."

The stockroom assistant - who was born with 70-80 per cent hearing loss - couldn't contain his excitement following his triumph and was visibly shaking after leaving the house.

He explained: "You know when you have your BCG jab, it feels like that multiplied by one thousand million."

Sam believes he won over the public because he remained level-headed and didn't put on an act in front of the cameras.

He said: "I think because I'm willing to stick up for myself I won't let people twist my words, I stick to my decision."

Sam's fellow housemate Gina Rio was third, twins Jack and Joe Glenny finished in fourth, while Charlie Travers walked away in fifth place.

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