Stacey Solomon

Stacey Solomon

Stacey Solomon thinks Sharon Osbourne will inject some much-needed controversy into 'The X Factor'.

The 23-year-old singer - who finished third on the show's sixth series in 2009 - is glad the no-nonsense star is back as a judge because the show was becoming "too nice" without the 60-year-old star's tough-talking approach.

She said: "It's quite exciting! You definitely need a nice controversial opinion. It was getting a bit too nice. Her and Louis are like a little married couple. I can't wait to hear what she has to say."

Stacey - who has two children, Zachary, five, and 14-month-old Leighton - admits 'The X Factor' still plays a big part in her life and she loves sitting down to watch the show with her kids on Saturday evenings.

She explained: "We watch it as a family and let Zac have one vote for his favourite!

"It's nice watching other people be given the opportunity that I was."

While Stacey shot to fame on 'The X Factor' and went on to win the 10th series of 'I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!' in 2010, she isn't keen on appearing in any more reality shows because she can't handle the "pressure" of the public's reaction to her.

She added to new! magazine: "I don't think I could face it. The pressure of everyone hating you or everyone liking you is just too scary."

Read the full story in this week's new! magazine.