Stacey Solomon

Stacey Solomon

Stacey Solomon loves a quiet Christmas Day.

The loud-mouthed reality TV star's favourite part of the festive season is having the perfect excuse to be anti-social on the big day.

The 24-year-old star - who has five-year-old son Zachary with then-boyfriend Dean Cox - is planning to spend quality time with her family during some rare time off from performing on the 'Peter Pan' arena tour.

Stacey exclusively told BANG Showbiz: "I just love that you get to sit there for a whole day. You don't have to answer your phone or anything. The world stops for a day. At new year, I'll be performing in 'Peter Pan', so all the family are going to come and watch me, which is really exciting."

Stacey has had a busy year and is looking forward to 2014 when she'll release her debut studio album.

She added: "My album is completely finished which is so exciting. I started 'Peter Pan' in December, so I've just been working around that really."

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