

Everybody’s favourite Italian chef Gino D’Acampo was proving a popular campmate.  Currently a member of Exile, he and his campmates temporarily joined Base Camp for the result of the Bush Tucker Trial vote.
He said: "I went back and it was amazing.  I want to go back there but I’m worried my group is more fragile from the other group.  I have George, Kim.  I just feel I should be there one more day to make sure they’ve got everything they need."
George confessed: "We’re worried about losing Gino because Gino runs the camp.  I don’t think I want to take over where Gino left off."
And over in Base Camp Sabrina told him that she missed him and added that: ‘there had been a lot of nastiness but we’re getting through it."
Sam said: "If Gino goes I’ll miss him as a person first and then I’ll miss his cooking."
And Stuart confessed to Gino that he thought he should have let one of the girls go back to Base Camp the previous day.
He added in the Bush Telegraph: "Gino’s a great guy and he always thinks about others before himself.  I get on really well with Gino and we have we have the best chats and I really enjoy his company."
Dinner At Base Camp
Base camp were given fresh water yabbies, asparagus, snake beans, chilli and garlic for dinner.  Stuart made dinner watched by Joe who was itching to help.  Joe occasionally shouted advice to Stuart who mostly ignored it.
But there was no repeat of the previous night’s argument when everyone, even Joe enjoyed the food.  "I tell you what, whoever comes and tries that beautiful will be very pleasantly surprised."
They speculated who would join them - but Justin was correct when he said that "Kim is the most competitive person I’ve ever met in my life."

Kim walked back into Base camp and is greeted by the celebrities.  And it wasn’t long before she regaling them all with details of her Bush Battle.

Return To Exile
Sam lit a fire and chatted to Gino as they speculated as to who would return.
George later said in the Bush Telegraph that he was relieved that Gino returned.  He had prepared for the chores and was trying to learn how he made the food.  "I was so thrilled to see Gino.  I was thrilled to hear Gino’s back.  Exile is not really exile.  For me, it’s getting more physically challenging but Gino makes it bearable."
Gino’S Demands
Gino was very upset at being disqualified from the Bush Battle and refused to go to the Bush Telegraph.  George reprised his role in The Godfather three and acted as negotiator.  He said: "As you know, Gino is very upset.  He may get over it and he may not.  He wants some creature comforts.  If he gets them all of this is over with.  He has a certain reputation that I understand very well."
George explained that Gino wanted 1kg of penne pasta, four tins of diced tomatoes, parmesan cheese, some pancetta and a large onion.
"If we can get these items he’s happy, otherwise he may mope for a while.  A little food like that will change his whole way of thinking.  I bring it to you as a peacemaker and I hope you understand the spirit in which I bring it"