A second female was to be sent packing from the Big Brother Canada house this week, and in a unanimous 12-0 vote it was confirmed that Toronto's Sindy with an 'S' would be sent packing.

Sindy was evicted / Credit: Global
Sindy was evicted / Credit: Global

Speaking to Arisa Cox upon her eviction, Sindy learned that she will be given a chance to re-enter the house at a later stage, with fans told to continue watching on Global to find out just how the First Five can battle their way back into the game.

"You think you know the game, you think you know what you're doing, and then you go into the house and everything gets screwed up.

"I should have been more careful about who I spoke to and who I associated myself with and I showed people that I was a competitive person."

Sindy's eviction came after Bobby won the first Head of Household competition this season, with his alliance The Chop Shop seeking to eliminate Kevin. Unfortunately for them, as Bobby nominated him alongside Brittnee he was able to play in the Power of Veto competition, and it was a challenge he excelled at, eventually winning the Veto power and taking himself off the block.

Bobby then named Sindy as the replacement nominee, and from there it only went downhill for the new evictee.

Kevin won the Head of Household competition / Credit: Global
Kevin won the Head of Household competition / Credit: Global

In the second Head of House comp of the season, Kevin fought for his position in the house and surprised his fellow houseguests by securing the win. Drama continues this Sunday as we find out just who Kevin has put on the block for an instant eviction, with no Power of Veto competition taking place and houseguests sending one of the two nominees packing right away.

Big Brother Canada continues with its third eviction, Sunday at 7pm ET/PT on Global.

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