Big Brother UK will return for its UK launch in under two weeks it's been confirmed by Channel 5.

The infamous reality series will be making its comeback to the small screen from Tuesday, June 7 with the live launch airing from 9pm on Channel 5.

An all-new game is being teased for the show this time round, with the network promising: "From Day One the Housemates will be under attack from an unseen ominous dark force that will have a dramatic and divisive effect on the House."

They continued: "Whilst things may appear to be straightforward, Big Brother will ensure that no-one will have the entire picture. There may even be deeper connections at work... The Housemates are not alone and they should be prepared for paranoia and suspicion."

This year, the House has been transformed into "a slick, stark monochrome world", with Big Brother stating: "Whilst everything may appear to be black and white - that certainly won't be the case. Viewers should prepare for a 'yin and yang' style force to evolve Big Brother for a new generation.

"This force will affect the Housemates for better or for worse. So who will survive the summer and win £100,000? You decide!"

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