Just to add to the confusion in the house, Latoya and Jay had a huge screaming match in which Latoya called Jay "a twat" and demanded to go home. The argument kicked off after the pair threw glasses of water over each other. Finding herself soaked, Latoya jumped up and screamed: "I'm actually going home, I can't take it no more!"

As the others - who were scattered about the house involved in various different conversations - looked on in confusion, Jay retaliated: "Do you know what Toya, go home, take your fucking oyster card and go home!" He then stormed across the living area stifling sobs.

"It's a joke, it's a joke," said Amy as she folded clothes in the bedroom but Latoya was adamant that she was being serious: "I'm not disrespecting anyone, but I'm not joking. Who's joking? I just want to go home." Victor, another who wasn't convinced, replied: "You're in the Big Brother house, nothing is real."

Gulliable John was the only one who seemed to truly fall for the trick. "Why are you all speaking to each other like this?" he asked, clearly shocked and upset. "It's vulgar." The argument continued for about ten minutes, as Latoya stood outside the Diary Room demanding to be let in and Jay skulked about outside shouting: "Tell her to go home. If she wants to go home, send her home!"

Gradually, as Latoya's face began to crack into a smile, the others became sure it was a set-up and the two confirmed it was indeed a joke. "Did you do drama at school?" asked Anthony, as the group congregated around the table, relieved the incident was over.

John remained in shock for several minutes, and urged Latoya to remember what a good friend he'd been to her during the fight. "Everyone else was shooting you down," he reminded her. "I actually had my hand over Jay's mouth at one point." "It says something very sweet about you that you believed them," said Amy. "Or just something very naive," replied John.

However, the fake argument also failed to amuse Victor and resulted in the Latoya and the circus performer having a genuine row after Victor got involved in the fake argument because he believed it to be real.

When he was talking to Latoya afterwards and realised that the whole thing was staged, he got increasingly angry. He fumed: "So you created this improvisation to make me look like idiot?" He then told Latoya to "fuck off" before Emilia took him to the bedroom to calm down.

When Jeremy asked him if they had sorted it out, he ranted: "Is it fuck sorted, I'm serious, I don’t think it's funny. I'm not happy because if I had known it was a joke I wouldn't have got involved." Meanwhile Latoya was explaining her side of the argument to Jay in the living area. She said: "I told him to his face that I wasn’t impressed that he told me to fuck off. I can forget about it but I expect everyone to show me a certain level of respect and every single day he has been progressively more rude to me."

Other housemates such as John and Emilia also got involved with the argument and the house soon split into two groups: Victor, Emilia, Jeremy and Amy on one side, the rest of the group on the other. Once the argument had died down, Nathan said: "I think the house is split."Emilia replied: "Yeah, and everyone is on Latoya's side."

FemaleFirst – Ruth Harrison

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