Since leaving Xtra Factor, Caroline Flack has admitted that her former boss Simon Cowell hasn't been in contact.

Whilst talking at the Strictly Come Dancing press launch on Tuesday September 2, she did however insist that she had no ill will towards Cowell, and that the two are still friendly.

Caroline Flack / Credit: BBC

"I haven't spoken to Simon since 'Xtra' but we're really good friends, yeah we're on good terms.

"It doesn't feel weird because I've had three really amazing years at 'The X Factor' it was the most fun job and I loved it so much. It's something new and it's good to keep changing things. It's good for them as well at 'Xtra Factor' because that's how 'The X Factor' works, you have to keep updating and it was time for them to get someone in, definitely."

Caroline also noted how different working on Strictly compared to Xtra Factor really was.

"The X Factor job is generally talking about other people, you bring out the best in them but suddenly you're learning a whole new skill and in front of millions of people. It couldn't be more different. I think change is always good, even if I'm more nervous."

Strictly Come Dancing returns to BBC One later this year.

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