Biggins’ wish to see Janice tread the boards came true sooner than he had anticipated - when the celebs were given a task to perform a panto in the camp.

Biggins was the director and narrator of Goldilocks and the Koala Bear. He handed out the costumes for the panto

J was the koala bear, Janice was the wicked step mother, Cerys was the nice fairy and Gemma was Goldilocks.

Biggins told them: “Surprise, surprise in this pantomime there’s a wicked mother.”

Janice replied: “That would be me, right?”

Biggins: “That would be you.”

He told Gemma and J that he wanted them to do a duet together.

Gemma joked: “Smack my Bitch Up?”

Janice demanded: “I need make up. I need make up!”

The group rehearsed their performance and then performed under the watchful eye of Biggins. They ended with the song ‘There’s no Business like Showbusiness’.