‘Bond’ Girl Janice Beats Rodney In The Trial

Im'A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here - The battle was on for supremacy as Janice and Rodney battled it out to win food for their respective camps, Snake Rock and Croc Creek.Winning was especially important for Janice who lost out to Marc Bannerman in yesterday’s trial, leaving her team hungry.John told Rodney before he left for the trial: "We know that we’re up against a bunch of fairies."Rodney said:" The first time the public have to vote, they vote for me. I suppose that’s years of slagging off football teams."

Janice said: "I’m going to do my best to make sure the eel incident doesn’t happen again. I feel privileged to be given a second chance. And I want a crap."

Rodney joined Ant and Dec in the trial area and said: "It’s a lot harder than you think it is. Suddenly three days in, it’s not as easy as you think."

Janice joined them and was in buoyant mood. "I’m anticipating victory. I’m gonna do it. I have to do it. They were all hungry. We are all starving. You’ve got me up against all those beefy guys and I’m not a beefy man. That’s my problem. I really want to win this. I am going to do my best but Rodney’s a big guy. I’m going to try. I tell my kids every night to try and do your best. I’m going to do this gung ho."She was introduced to Rodney and joked: "If I kiss you more will you let me win?"Ant and Dec told them how they would each be strapped into a car which contained ten stars. They must throw the stars from the car and then escape, while the car is sinking. Janice was flabbergasted. She was then led away from the area while Rodney was taken to the car and strapped in. He shouted: "It doesn’t seem like such a good idea."

The car rolled down the ramp and hit the water. Rodney got seven stars out before the car sunk under water taking him with it. But after being under water for some time, he retrieved another one making a total of eight.

He joked to Ant and Dec: "If you’ve taken a penalty at Wembley in front of thousands of people, why would you be scared of drowning?"

Janice didn’t seem too bothered about the fact that she would be submerged in a car but was worried that there would be critters in the water.

As she climbed into the car she said: "My heart is racing a mile a minute. You have no idea how hard my heart is beating. It’s like the first day of school." She was strapped into the car and joked to Ant and Dec that she was: "Happier than a pig in poo-poo".

The car was released into the water, travelled down a ramp and hit the water. Janice got three stars immediately as the car started to fill up. By the time she got seven stars, the car was filling up and at eight stars it sunk with her inside it. She retrieved one more star as the car submerged completely.

Ant and Dec helped her out and she looked mildly disappointed that she didn’t retrieve the full complement .

"I did my best," she said. "How many did Rodney get? I felt like my team mates had to eat. That’s all that I had. I tried to be a fearless warrior. I felt like James Bond. That I had to do this to save the world. I’m Janice Bond."

They were joined by Rodney, and Ant and Dec revealed Janice had won. Janice was overjoyed.

She said: "I didn’t mean to win but I’m so constipated and hungry. I’m A Celebrity. Get me back to camp."

After losing the Trial, Rodney said: "Losing my first trial and losing against a woman, even though she got a fantastic score, is not good as it’s one-one in the series and we go again tomorrow. I have put pressure on my next team mate which is of course something I really don’t want to do." He returned to the camp to break the news. He said: "I’m thinking Janice, how can she beat me? I got eight out of 10 and she got nine out of 10. I tell you though, I lost to a fucking woman. He then corrected himself by saying: "Joke, joke, joke." Cerys said: "One hell of a woman." Later he said: "Anyone who spends that much on her body has to be some sort of bionic woman. I was thinking about making a complaint to ‘the committee’, to make a complaint that she is actually a girl. I came from a mentality and a background where second is not second, it is the first loser. Meanwhile, Janice was jubilant. She returned to the camp and hugged all of her team mates. She said: "I beat Rodney. I am Janice Bond. It had to be done!"