Nicola Mclean

Nicola Mclean

Timmy and David got the brunt of Nicola’s wrath and she called the pair a couple of d*ckheads as she prepared for the Bushtucker Trial.

She turned on them when David warned her that her hair would get messy and Timmy said she’d get covered in cack. "Do you know what David, you are so much more worried about your hair than I am about mine so don’t worry about me, I’m fine. I said well done to you two, don’t be d*ckheads."

When David said his comment was only a bit of fun, and she needed to get a sense of humour, Nicola replied: "I didn’t say anything to you when you are scared of the dark. I have got a good sense of humour but not when I’m panicking. Go in a cave and cry because you’re scared of the dark. Go on. If I said that to either of them two everyone would have said I was being a bitch."

Esther tried to calm down the situation by taking David off to the pool. (See later).

Meanwhile Timmy was apologising to Nicola for offending her and she in turn said sorry for calling him a d*ckhead. But on her walk to the trial she said: "He’s an imbecile. I’m petrified; I’m not busting my balls to feed two people that really rile me."