Simon Webbe

Simon Webbe

Joe and Simon wrote a song together yesterday which brought out the green eyed monster in David who feared it might be competition for the number he composed with Timmy.

As the pair sang the song throughout the day, David tried to sabotage their efforts. ‘I don’t know what this song is and I don’t want to hear it.’ He said to Simon: ‘Don’t write any more songs. There’s only room for one song in this jungle and that’s Biff, Baff, Boff.

‘Joe’s trying to get in on the act, he’s trying to write songs. Don’t get involved Joe, stick to acting.’

The song was written while Simon and Joe were lazing in their hammocks. It started: ‘I live my life in the fast lane, baby do you want to come too? To me it doesn’t matter, because I’m dedicated to you.’ The chorus was ‘You take me away, you take me away on a ride in your heart. You take me away and it’s easy to say, I love you’.

Buoyed by his song writing, Joe sought reassurance from Simon: ‘In your songwriting bits, would you say this was a good one?’

‘Yes, you get it, it just fits, it’s the perfect jigsaw. You might have found your calling, mate. This (song) can relate to any man out there and any woman would want to hear the man in their life singing it. This is going to be big.’