Martina Navratilova

Martina Navratilova

Each of the celebrities gave a lesson in their master crafts - Martina taught them a forehand swing, Nicola showed how to pose as a glamour model and George gave a Star Trek master class.

Martina was given a racquet and ball, George was presented with Mr Spock ears, Joe had some bling to sell and Nicola a Polaroid camera.

If the celebrities gave a short speech about what skills were required to do their job and a demonstration, the group would be rewarded.

Nicola told how she started her career as a Page 3 girl for the Sun and Star but went on to cover her breasts after her two enlargements. ‘You have to stand on your tip toes, lift your chest, suck your tummy in and push your bum out and then do a nice smile, sexy look and a cheesy grin.' All the celebrities followed suit and were photographed with a Polaroid camera.

George got straight into the swing of things and Joe loved his photos. ‘I’m keeping one of these, you are sexy George.’

The ex Trekky star returned the compliment commenting on the sheen on Joe’s body and saying: ‘I will share this photo with Brad, people are going to wonder about you Joe. You look like a Brokeback Mountain sheep herder; I may offer this photo to Out magazine!’

Nicola said she’d have to look out for Martina after the tennis champ really got into the swing of the game and posed for the photos. ‘You are good, you are worrying me, and I think you did this in a previous life.’

‘I had a job on EastEnders where I worked on a market stall where we sold fake jewellery. Down at Chappell Market when you sell fruit, the idea of it is to be as loud and cheeky as you can and make the goods sound as good as you can even though it’s a load of rubbish. Sorry sir you can't handle the goods.'

He then tried to sell a ring with a dollar sign with lots of banter and then asked the other celebrities to take their turn to their huge enjoyment.