Carla's (Alison King) jubilant as her workforce finish the last pair of dungarees. But her euphoria soon turns to horror as Kasia (Irena Rodic) takes a fall while loading the order into her car. As she lies motionless at the bottom of the stairs Carla grabs the phone while Vicki (Wanda Opalinska) attempts CPR on her friend. But instead of calling 999 Carla rings Paul (Sean Gallagher) who tells her wait for him exactly as they are. As he arrives it's clear Kasia is already dead and thinking on his feet Paul decides the best course of action is to phone for the ambulance just after 8am when Kasia will be clocked in and could legally have been working. Sending Vicki home the Connors wait to put their plan into action. But when Liam (Rob James-Collier) and then Sally (Sally Whittaker) arrive at the factory early it looks like they've been caught in the act.At the Rovers Vernon (Ian Reddington) wakes with a sore head and a lot of explaining to do after standing Liz (Beverley Callard) up at the restaurant. Feeling slightly guilty about last night herself Liz accepts his apology and Vernon thinks he's off the hook as he sets about making it up to her. But when Derek (David Hounslow) calls asking to see Liz again will she be able to resist his charms?Elsewhere Eileen (Sue Cleaver) tells Violet (Jenny Platt) she has to keep Holly as Emma's an unfit mother. Violet knows there's more to it but it seems that like Jason (Ryan Thomas) she's wasting her breath trying to get through to Eileen.And Sophie's (Brooke Vincent) nervous as she prepares for her audition for the school play.

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