Leanne (Jane Danson) is feeling the pressure as her staff do not seem happy to be working for her. She is annoyed when her customers don't get the wine they have ordered and she tells the waiter off for being on his phone when he is meant to be serving. Later she tells the chef and the waiter off for gossiping and they decide to walk out. The restaurant is in a mess and she is relieved when Janice (Vicky Entwistle) turns up. But Janice reveals that Roger (Andrew Dunn) has given her all his savings leaving Leanne feeling guilty.Ashley (Steven Arnold) is surprised to see Casey (Zoe Henry) on his doorstep. She offers to take Josh to school but instead he asks her to take the shop keys over to Kirk. He is surprised to see her behind the counter and she tells him that Kirk (Andrew Whyment) is ill and it seemed the logical thing to do. She goes to pick up Josh from school and when they return Ashley offers her to stay for a drink. Will she take him up on his offer?Joanne (Zaraah Abrahams) arrives at the factory and Carla (Alison King) presumes it is for her wages but she tells her she has been to see the Citizens Advice bureau and that she wants more especially after her rendez-vous with Liam (Rob James Collier) otherwise she may take them to a tribunal. Liam is furious but Carla concedes and gives into her demands.Liz (Beverley Callard) is gutted when she discovers that Vernon (Ian reddington) is moving to Spain.

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