Ashley (Steven Arnold) visits Claire (Julia Haworth) and is surprised when Casey (Zoe Henry) answers the door. He is worried that she has told Claire about the kiss but she tells him she has only come to tell her that Josh isn't well. Casey leaves and Claire and Ashley are very awkward with each other. He begs her to come home but she tells him there are still too many bad memories for her at the house but she will give it a try. He returns home to find Casey and he apologises for the kiss and tells her that Claire is coming home tomorrow. How will she react to his news?Leanne (Jane Danson) is furious with the quality of her chefs. Paul (Tom Hudson) enquires about the position but she asks him for all his references. She is impressed with what she sees but when asking him about his last job he explains he had to leave quickly. She is grateful for his honesty and the quality of his food; could he be just what she is looking for?Violet (Jenny Platt) is concerned that Jamie (Rupert Hill) may know what is going on when she tells him that she is not feeling well. She asks Sean (Antony Cotton) to take him out but to reveal nothing of their plans. On her own she takes the pregnancy test and when she sees the result she begins to cry, will the test be positive?Blanche (Maggie Jones) is disgusted someone has been smoking in the Rovers toilet and vowes to monitor the situation but she hadn't bargained on Liz being the culprit.Sally (Sally Whittaker) is pleased when her new text books arrive.

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