Liam (Rob James Collier) is relieved that Maria (Samia Smith)has arrived at the funeral and the two of them prepare to bury their son. them to grieve alone.Carla (Alison King) feels pushed out by their closeness and leaves The funeral is an emotional time for everyone but mother and father are reconciled as they movingly talk to their baby boy about their hopes and dreams for him. Later at the Rovers the rest of the congregation talk about how moving the burial was but no one is quite sure what to say to Carla who stands alone with her thoughts.Gail (Helen Worth) is surprised by a visit from Tina (Michelle Keegan) who tells her that she has been to see David (Jack P Shepherd). Gail asks her to pass on her love next time she visits. Later Gail is thrilled to hear from Ted and they make plans to meet up tomorrow.Sally (Sally Whittaker) is delighted with the price he puts on her house but Claire can't help but feel disappointed that her's is not worth as much as she'd hoped. The couples shake hands on the deal but is it really the answer for the Peacocks after all?Elsewhere Julie (Katy Cavanagh) continues to annoy Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) and Chesney (Sam Aston) is still not himself.