Jo (Roxanne Pallett) is full of apologies for Andy (Kelvin Fletcher) after her untimely announcement but secretly worries about the state of their relationship.Further problems arise when Katie (Sammy Winward) rescinds her agreement to the divorce because of Jo. However, Jo's mood lightens when Sharon (Victoria Hawkins) invites her on a pamper day with her and Dan's (Patrick Molyneux) friends.When Dan hits on Jo, she rushes out, leaving a bill for four hundred pounds. Later, Andy admits that he would love to marry Jo and she is delighted, before Sharon hands her the outstanding bill. How will Jo hide the expense from Andy?Elsewhere, Pollard (Chris Chittell) verbally attacks Donna (Verity Rushworth) when he sees the article in the Hotten Courier and Marlon (Mark Charnock) worries that they've upset the wrong man.When Pollard complains to the Dingles about the excessive noise made by a cement mixer on the building site, he decides to call in the police. The Dingles are aghast to see Donna approaching in uniform and she is humiliated by having no choice but to call a halt to the building work. Has Pollard slaked his desire for retribution?

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