On the morning of the wedding, Sharon (Victoria Hawkins) unveils her Hollywood-style dress, complete with fairy wings. As Val (Charlie Hardwick) parades her own outfit, Sharon pleads with her to behave at the wedding whilst wondering whether Rodney (Patrick Mower) will even turn up following the previous night's events. Meanwhile, Val overhears Dan (Patrick Molyneux) on the phone discussing a transfer and asks Jasmine (Jenna-Louise Coleman) to investigate. As Rodney arrives just in time to escort Victoria into the wedding car, Val learns from Jasmine that Dan is in fact leaving his current club. With no time to act on this new information, the fairytale wedding is soon in full swing. However as the service reaches the point where the congregation are asked to voice any objections, Val stands up…Is she about to score an own-goal?Elsewhere, Gray (Christopher Villiers) is still smarting from his run in with Dan the previous night and he and Perdy (Georgia Slowe) share their disdain for the Wag's wedding outside the café. As Bob (Tony Audenshaw) arrives with the twins, Perdy fawns over them and Gray notes her enthusiasm. However she is soon upset when Gray brings up other options for them to have children. Is this destined to be the thorn in the side of their marriage forever?