It's all going off down in the Dales

It's all going off down in the Dales

Can’t those characters down on Emmerdale farm ever just get along? After Donald disappoints Nicola but not dying, he pretends he doesn’t remember her just to see how far she’ll go to get her hand on his cash.As the festive season gets into full swing, the Dingles manage to give most of the village food poisoning, just in time for Belle's pantomime, leaving her with huge casting problems.Love is certainly not in the air as Jimmy breaks Carries heart and Chas plasters the village with Ross’ naked photograph. In any case, it wouldn’t be Christmas without some sweet revenge? When Jimmy (Nick Miles) and Carl (Tom Lister) visit Matthew (Matt Healy) in prison, they're disturbed to see that he's been fighting. Losing patience, Matthew explodes, convinced that Gray (Christopher Villiers) has set him up, and demands to see Perdy (Georgia Slowe). Meanwhile when Perdy visits the Home Farm office, she is witness to a malicious viral against Matthew popping up on the Kings' computer, copied to all their clients. After returning home, Perdy witnesses suspicious behaviour from Gray and starts to wonder what part he's played in Matthew's predicament so decides to go visit Matthew in prison behind Gray's back. Matthew presses home the point that the evidence could easily have been planted by a third person makes no hesitation about making it clear his belief that it was Gray. Perdy later admits to Carl that Gray was behind the viral campaign, but isn’t so sure if she’s ready to believe that Gray would go as far as to frame Matthew for murder. After much furtive searching, Perdy's suspicions are confirmed when she opens Gray's briefcase and finds the missing cardigan, and letter from Rosemary proving that she's alive and kicking. Gray's senses something’s up when Perdy starts acting differently, panicking, Gray disappears with the suitcase, intending to burn the contents. However he's shocked when he discovers it to be empty. Armed with the evidence in question, Perdy waits at home to confront him.

As the villagers are struck down like flies with food poisoning a war of words breaks out with Viv (Deena Payne) blaming the Woolpack and Marlon (Mark Charnock) blaming the café. As Viv and Bob (Tony Audenshaw) and Marlon and Diane (Elizabeth Estensen) go head to head, the four soon realise that they purchased their meat from the same source - the Dingles.

Elsewhere, the Dingles struggle to enjoy themselves, sad that Sam (James Hooton) isn't in the fold. Debbie (Charley Webb) is a driver down and tries to persuade Sam into doing the Christmas Day shift. Determined to spend the day with his son, Sam refuses and instead talks Debbie into coming over to Jacobs Fold.

Over in the village hall, the more senior villagers are critical of Jonny's (Richard Grieve) high-tempo dancercise class. Picking up on the demand for a ballroom dance class, Viv (Deena Payne) sees an opportunity. Returning to the café she outlines her plans to Bob (Tony Audenshaw) to hold a charity dance contest.

At the pub, Diane (Elizabeth Estensen) is determined to make Christmas Day one to remember, desperate for Jack (Clive Hornby) and the rest of the Sugden clan to put the past couple of months behind them. However, Diane's enthusiasm and exuberance isn't shared by the rest of the awkward Sugden clan. But as the champagne flows and charades begins, relations appear to thaw, that is until Billy arrives at the door. Jimmy (Nick Miles) faces the cold shoulder from Carrie (Linda Lusardi) after making it clear that he still has feelings for Kelly and when he tries to apologise to Scarlett (Kelsey-Beth Crossley) for his treatment of Daz (Luke Tittensor) she is also short with him. Carrie overhears him warning Scarlett against making the same mistakes as she did and flies off the handle. Explaining that Scarlett wants to leave the village, Carrie remarks that there's no point staying if Jimmy can't return her love to which Jimmy agrees and their fling comes to an abrupt end.

Out for revenge, Chas (Lucy Pargeter) furthers her and Lexi's (Sally Oliver) plan for vengeance against Ross (Samuel Anderson) by plastering the village with his naked photograph. Ross is worried when he receives the original picture in the post and his humiliation is complete when he finds one in a prime location in the Woolpack.

Female First - Ruth Harrison

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