Donna (Verity Rushworth) and Ross (Samuel Anderson) discover Rosemary's car abandoned in the bushes close to the Kings' property Manor Farm. When the police tell Grayson (Christopher Villiers) about their discovery, this confirms in his mind that his mother was indeed going to meet Matthew King (Matt Healy). The police question Matthew and he confidently agrees to let them search Manor Farm. Later that day, Matthew is less cocky when the DC Blackmore arrives to ask him down to the police station as they have found evidence during their search.When Jonny (Richard Grieve) has to exercise the horses for Katie (Sammy Winward) she decides to tell him the truth. Jonny is shocked to learn of her surrogacy and tells her she is making a big mistake. Katie storms off in anger. Later when Jonny dicusses the surrogacy with Paul (Mathew Bose) he is angry with him for feeling he couldn't share the secret. Will he tell Katie some home truths in order to stop her going ahead with the surrogacy?When word gets out about Terry's (Billy Hartman) fire, Ross (Samuel Anderson) questions Chas (Lucy Pargeter) and Lexi (Sally Oliver) about the bionic bears. Will they be able to convince him with their story?

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