Scarlett's (Kelsey-Beth Crossley) 16th birthday arrives and Jimmy (Nick Miles) convinces Carrie (Linda Lusardi) to allow her a few friends over at Home Farm. Victoria (Isabel Hodgins) finds out and sneakily posts an open invitation online. That night, Scarlett is horrified when her party is gatecrashed by rowdy teenagers and as chaos ensues, Daz (Luke Tittensor) intervenes and together with Eli (Joseph Gilgun) they clear the rabble. Helping a drunken Scarlett tidy up, Daz shares a passionate kiss with her only to be broken up by Carrie and Jimmy coming home. Have the two young friends found love?In the police station, Matthew (Matt Healy) is stunned when the police charge him with Rosemary's murder. Gray (Christopher Villiers) enjoys telling Perdy (Georgia Slowe) the news and watches for a hint of her feelings for Matthew. Perdy remains fixed in her expression and Gray is forced to leave the room. Left alone, Perdy breaks down into floods of tears. Have her dreams of a better future been torn apart by Gray and her wicked mother-in-law?

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