Gray (Christopher Villiers) desperately tries to convince Katie (Sammy Winward) to keep the baby but she's adamant that she was having the child for Perdy (Georgia Slowe) and him, not Perdy and Matthew (Matt Healy). Later when the police visit with bad news for Gray, it's left to Katie to comfort him. Using the opportunity to ask her to change her mind, Katie is torn. Will she carry on with the pregnancy, and if so, who will bring up baby?Elsewhere Jack (Clive Hornby) asks Greg (Shaun Prendergast) to hurry along the building work on Annie's as he wants to sell as soon as possible. Greg and Mel (Caroline Strong) decide to put in an offer and Jack is left to consider. When Diane later overhears the plans for Jack to sell their home, she confides in Val (Charlie Hardwick) about her devastation. As Jack makes steps to shed himself of both Diane and Annie's, is he finally ready for a fresh start?

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