Mercedes (Jennifer Metcalfe) offers to arrange an abortion for Tina (Leah Hackett). Later, Jacqui (Claire Cooper) sees Dom (John Pickard) and Tina holding hands and worries that Tina has chosen her marriage over her surrogacy. Nancy (Jessica Fox) and Jake (Kevin Sacre) return from their romantic weekend away to criticism from Sarah (Loui Batley). Angry, Nancy throws a drink in Sarah's face and ends their friendship for good. Newt (Nico Mirallegro) and Lauren (Dominique Jackson) turn Summer's (Summer Strallen) day in charge of MOBS into a nightmare. And Summer tries to convince a nervous Carmel (Gemma Merna) to go and get the results of her final PCSO assessment. Dir: Sean Glynn; Writer: Nick West; Prod Co: Lime

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