Danica Patrick should hang up her driving gloves. Penelope can stay in that pit stop. And Princess Anne might as well swap her Range Rover for Maureen Rees's mobility ride. But even though Rachel has suddenly become the girl racer to shame all others, her career as a speed freak might end up with a soggy end as well as a rocky start. You see, while she was driving Kit to hospital, she sped through a crash barrier and ended up dangling over the kind of cliff that would appeal to nobody but a lemming after a bad morning. As they teeter on the edge, Kit howls in pain. Could she be losing the baby? "Well," says Rachel, "if you are pre-eclamptic, you may need an emergency caesar." Like a salad is going to help at a time like this. Tsk. Anyway, after Kim receives numerous voicemails saying that the girls are off to hospital, he and Dan follow in their wake. And once they come across the accident scene, Dan races off to fetch help as Kim does his Bruce Willis bit and gets his vest dirty in the name of valor. He manages to pull Kit out the back of the car, but Rachel remains stuck as the car lunges forward again. As Dan returns with Tony in tow, Kit is gripped by another surge of pain. Will she and the baby survive? Who knows? But at least Rachel didn't send her to hospital via helicopter this time...Misery loves company, Welcome to Summer Bay, home of the grump fest. Ric, of course, is feeling sorry for himself. Martha, meanwhile, is pulling faces so long that Morag keeps trying to put a tenner on her in the Grand National. Alf fails to up his granddaughter's pecker by having a pop at her for not supporting Ric. He then tells her to pull herself together and forget about Ash. To be honest, we think that Martha would dearly love to move on from her cretinous ex-boyfriend - but she'll have a tough time of it seeing as though she thinks she's up the duff with his sprog! She stares at the pregnancy testing kit as though it will give her an answer without even having to wee on it, but Alf interrupts and whisks her off to the hospital so they can check on their friends. When Martha returns home, alone, she finally takes the test. After a few minutes, she takes a peep and is horrified to discover that she is well and truly with child! Not so much grump fest as bump fest then. But what is she going to do about it?Bad medicine, You've got to admire Rachel, haven't you? All of ten minutes ago she was facing the prospect of some jagged rocks messily interfacing with her cranium. But now, having been pulled free of her car by an abseiling Kim, she's rushing around the hospital in full-on doctor mode as they try to find out what's wrong with Kit.

It turns out - get a load of this - that she just had a migraine. Yeah, all this for a headache! We've a good mind to take her back to the bloody cliff and throw her off ourselves. Anyway, mother and baby will be just fine.

And when she's ready for visitors, Kit sings Rachel's praises to Kim. She adds that she can't believe they were arguing with one another earlier, which makes Kim raise an eyebrow. He immediately jumps to the conclusion that Rachel was the cause of Kit's funny turn and promptly dishes out an accusation. "She's pregnant!" he hisses. "Why are you having a go at her? You're a doctor.

You should know that getting a pregnant woman worked up is not a good thing." Well, neither is getting your wife worked up - as Kim is about to find out...

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