Oh, how Drew longs to yank Belle away from Lucas using that weird dog leash-type thing she wears around her neck like some kind of emo Calamity Jane. However, for the time being, he's making do with Lisa - who readily accepts Leah and Dan's offer of a barbecue that evening. During the meal, she's the life and soul of the party and is forward enough to ask if she can stay the night. After exchanging looks with Dan, Leah pointedly offers her the couch - but before Drew knows it, Leah and Dan have gone to bed and Lisa is demanding to join him in his room. Drew - not normally one to pass up a bit of nookie - makes her stay put and gives her one of his t-shirts to sleep in; that'll be the closest she gets to him tonight. However, when Belle arrives to pick up Ryan the next morning and spots Lisa wearing Drew's clothes, she can only begin to imagine what happened between them last night. After composing herself, she makes a hasty exit - leaving Drew and Lisa all alone and getting it on. Yet again, though, Drew throws a metaphorical bucket of cold water to her and gets her to keep her hands to herself. His excuse is that he just doesn't want to rush things, but Lisa knows full well that Belle is on his mind...Deal or no deal? We guess it must be pretty tricky to plan a wedding when you've got other things on your mind. Such as, ooh, we don't know, somebody blackmailing you with nekkid photos of yourself and making you deal drugs. That afternoon, Amanda - now a bigger wreck than the Titanic - is summoned to the beach. "Recognise this?" Ethan asks, as he holds up the morphine she stole for him. "You can be a drug dealer, or a glamour model. Your choice." And as she's already done the latter more times than Alf's had barbecues, it's high time she did the former. Amanda reluctantly takes the morphine and scuttles home to stash it under the kitchen sink. Of course, Peter spills his coffee and heads straight under there hunting for the kitchen towel. Amanda manages to stop him just in time, but Peter demands she move aside so he can see what she's hiding. How will she get out of this one? And why didn't she just put it in his sock drawer? Let's get physical Well, they do say that the best way to get over one man is to get under another. And as Belle is still miffed that Drew and Lisa have supposedly been getting jiggy, she dashes straight over to Lucas's place and hauls him into bed. Although Lucas is surprised, he certainly doesn't discourage it - and he ends up more besotted with Belle than ever. Once they've finished doing the deed - three minutes later (heh heh) - the two of them head down to the Surf Club. Drew is there, playing pool, and it doesn't take long for him to work out why Lucas is grinning like the cat that got the creamery. He congratulates Belle for getting to the next stage in their relationship; Belle smirks in the knowledge that she's managed to catch up with her ex. However, little did she know that Drew has been keeping his gametes to himself. "Hopefully Lisa and I will get there one day", he says, as Belle's face drops. She immediately realises what a big mistake she's just made by bedding her boyfriend and runs to the beach with tears in her eyes. Lucas follows her and asks if she regrets what they did. Belle covers, saying it's just silly girl stuff; good crying, in fact. "I love you too", she whispers, as she leans in for a hug and spots Drew watching on from a distance. So much for getting over someone, then.

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