Relief abounds when both Stingray and Dylan are matched as suitable donors for Kerry. But Dylan’s enthusiasm is quashed when he discovers his blood carries toxins from the time he was poisoned – and to make matters worse, he may have unwittingly caused Kerry’s illness. Stingray takes Dylan’s place as donor, keen to share a part of himself with Kerry. Angry Dylan feels Paul should take some responsibility for his poisoning but when Paul shows no compassion, Dylan punches him to the ground and accuses Paul of being sub-human.Ned’s decision to change his life is validated when he shows off his newfound confidence and expensive toys to friends. Paul’s annoyed to find Ned ‘entertaining’ without him and their alliance is almost exposed. Ned hits a raw nerve when he wonders whether Paul is jealous of Ned’s friendships. Paul tries to ignore Ned’s taunts by focusing on Ned’s new video game. Lonely Paul’s keen to share in the fun demanding Ned show him how to play. He’s determined to prove himself the master of Ned’s life - and Ned’s games. Her second week on the job, Carmella discerns dirty deals at the fruit market when she cannot get all of her stock – thanks to Ray’s underhand tactics. To Oliver’s concern, Carmella decides to play dirty to get what she wants. Tiddly Susan yearns for her Karl of old, but mortifies Zeke in the process.Karl struggles to gain control as Toadie’s ‘secretary’ and enlists Susan and Zeke to help.

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