With the danger of her baby being born prematurely, Sky is given anti-contraction medication in an attempt to stop the labour – but it doesn’t work. Escaped Stingray wanders drunkenly around Erinsborough until he receives a loving voicemail from Sky, letting him know she cares about him and thinks they can make their ‘family’ work. But Stingray is thwarted from entering the hospital by Karl, who declares him unfit to be around Sky. In the meantime, Harold, Janelle, Janae and Loris become Sky’s support team, guiding her through all her contractions and fears until she gives birth to her baby girl – proudly naming her after her deceased mother, Kerry.Hell-bent Teresa steals Carmella’s orderly uniform in an effort to get back into the hospital, and when caught by her cousin throws boiling water in Carmella’s face, horrifically injuring her. Having lost all grip on sanity, Teresa then sets the hospital on fire to create chaos – all in the name of trying to steal baby Kerry.After their fun date last week, Will has challenged Carmella to think up an equally fantastic second one, which sends Carmella into a spin. Calling on Rosie’s help, Carmella’s unaware of her sister’s unyielding crush on Will and how much anguish helping out is actually causing her.

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