After the chaos of the fire at the Hospital, Sky’s terrified Teresa has abducted her baby. Karl and Harold try to downplay her fears, convinced baby Kerry’s simply been misplaced in all the turmoil. But it soon becomes clear that Kerry has been taken from the building – but by whom? Despite her horrific injuries, Carmella remains desperate to track unhinged Teresa down. Will and Rosetta are taken aback when Carmella explains why she believes Teresa stole the infant – Teresa became fixated on Sky’s child after her own baby (which she’d given up) died. Carmella blames herself for driving Teresa to her desperate actions leaving Rosetta – and Will – to question just how much they truly know about Carmella.Teresa is found wheeling an empty pram. Though she fully intended taking Kerry away, Teresa tells Steiger she was unable to find the baby amidst the chaos of the fire. When Rosetta comes to offer legal representation, Teresa drops a bombshell: Carmella was responsible for her baby’s death!Following an intensive search, Bree and Rachel find Stingray in the park sleeping off a bender. Rushing to Sky’s bedside, Stingray learns the horrible news about his daughter’s disappearance. In the meantime, footage from the Hospital security cameras shows Stingray in the corridors at the time Kerry went missing. Stingray has no recollection of being in the building but further incriminating evidence soon surfaces. Could Stingray have snatched his own daughter?

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