Stingray’s world crumbles when Sky reveals he is not baby Kerry’s father. Janelle again threatens to sue Karl for negligence but Stingray is more upset by the way Karl and Susan judged him and accuses them of ruining his life. But Dylan is vindicated by the news and Sky even wonders if she and Dylan may still have a future together. But Dylan crushes Sky’s hopes when he reveals he intends to fight for custody of Kerry - and wants Sky out of his life forever!Susan and Karl struggle to cope in the aftermath of Karl’s paternity blunder but Susan pledges her undying support and promises to stand by him on the rocky road ahead.Upset by Dylan’s disrespectful attitude towards Sky, Harold implores Loris to provide the Timmins family with moral guidance before they self-destruct. But Loris can’t and blames herself for the doom which has befallen her family. Harold’s confusion turns to shock when he learns Loris’s deepest, darkest secret. She was responsible for the baby swap!Steiger takes Will and Frazer away on a camping trip. But when the boys learn they have to hunt and kill their own dinner they fear they may not be the macho men Steiger expects.In order to get a visa so they can stay together, Lou and Mishka go back to the 1980s and re-invent their romantic past.Lyn thinks Paul is going to break-up with her but he surprises Lyn by asking her to marry him.

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